Package deals for your holiday in Wagrain in Salzburger Land
Where value for money and variety meet
We have put together a number of attractive packages for your perfect summer or winter stay in the Wagrain-Kleinarl region. The region is ideal for hikers and cyclists as well as for passionate skiers and families with children. And if you can't find what you're looking for, simply get in touch with us – we will be happy to put together a tailor-made offer for you!
from€ 572,- per person
Best Ager Week
Period: 06.12.2024 until 24.12.2024 and 29.03.2025 until 12.04.2025 For: 7 nights
Ski amadé Best Ager Week All seniors born 1965 or before get the 6 days ski pass for free if you book 7 overnight stays
daily free of charge bread for your breakfast in the mornings
1 day ski test of the newest models for 1 person
1 day ski guiding for 1 person
daily free of charge use of the Wasserwelt Wagrain
at least one additional event in the scope of the package week
Prices Ladys Week package
Price for 2 persons
7 nights / 6 days ski passes
starting from € 1255,50
exclusive local tax of € 2,30 pro person and night and final cleaning of the apartement
freeskipass for kids
Easter family package
Period: 15.03.2025 until 12.04.2025 For: 7 nights
Ski amadé Easter family package: Starting from 15.03.2025 all children born 2009 and later get the ski pass for free if at least one parent purchases a 6 days ski pass as well.